I am this boat,,
Drifting somewhere in the space between earth and sky.
Sometimes I can’t see where one starts and the other stops.
I’m on this earth but I don’t feel like I fully belong to it.
My real home is somewhere that I’ve heard about but I’ve never seen.
So for now I struggle here between the two.
My feet are on the ground but my eyes look toward heaven.
I look to The One who raises the beggar from the dust.
The One who heals the broken hearted.
The One Who carries me when I can’t go any further.
The One who can fill my heart with JOY even in life’s storms.
My only reaction to such a Being is to fall down on my knees in worship.
One day I will see Him face to face.
That is the hope that I hold onto.
And it Anchors my drifting soul….
