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Kevin is a singer, songwriter, worship leader, and lover of God.

It was always in his heart to write songs for the church to sing.

In 2018 he released his first single, "Anchor Of My Soul" and

it quickly became a church favorite.

Encouraged by this he followed up with 4 more singles

which also had great reception.

Now with 12 releases, he has had over 140,000 streams

in 80 countries and counting. 

Another EP is now complete and Kevin plans to keep 

releasing songs throughout 2023.

"But," he says,

"I’ve come to find the meaning of ALL of this,  

through a love for God and His Son Jesus Christ.

I’ve found that, 

Achieving your goals doesn’t satisfy.

Money doesn’t satisfy.

Even music didn’t satisfy me.

All of these things are nice….. For a moment. 

But then you're left with what feels like an itch that you can’t scratch. 

There isn't very much in this world that is sure these days.

But this I do know.

Jesus Christ died on a cross to pay a debt I could never pay.

Now, I see each day as an opportunity to give back to the

One who created me, by showing His love to others.

I don’t always nail it. But God gives me strength to keep trying to be better.

I look forward to that day when I stand before Him and He says,

“Well Done!”

God has given us the gift of music. I am just borrowing it and giving it back.

I hope that whoever hears these songs is blessed by the message

and maybe enjoys some nice grooves along the way!

God Bless!


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